init.lua (1594B)
1 require 'rocks-bootstrap' 2 3 vim.cmd.colorscheme 'dracula' 4 5 -- My options 6 local o = vim.opt 7 8 -- o.debug = "msg" 9 o.number = true 10 o.relativenumber = true 11 o.hidden = true 12 o.termguicolors = true 13 o.splitright = true 14 o.lazyredraw = true 15 o.foldenable = false 16 o.textwidth = 100 17 o.colorcolumn = "+0" 18 o.signcolumn = "yes:1" 19 o.scrolloff = 5 20 o.winblend = 10 21 o.updatetime = 500 22 o.cursorline = false 23 o.mouse = "nvr" 24 o.mousemodel = 'extend' 25 o.previewheight = 10 26 o.title = true 27 o.cursorline = true 28 o.cursorlineopt = { "number" } 29 o.wrap = true 30 o.linebreak = true 31 o.breakindent = true 32 o.showbreak = "> " 33 o.laststatus = 3 34 35 -- Completion and ui 36 o.inccommand = "nosplit" 37 o.completeopt = { "menuone", "noinsert" } 38 o.list = true 39 o.listchars = { 40 tab = "|-", 41 trail = "•", 42 nbsp = "!", 43 conceal = ":", 44 precedes = "<", 45 extends = ">" 46 } 47 o.tags = ".tags;/" 48 o.undofile = true 49 o.grepprg = "rg --vimgrep" 50 o.grepformat = "%f:%l:%c:%m" 51 52 -- Conceal 53 o.conceallevel = 1 54 o.concealcursor = "niv" 55 56 -- Tabs 57 o.tabstop = 2 58 o.shiftwidth = 2 59 o.softtabstop = 2 60 o.expandtab = true 61 62 o.shortmess:append "c" 63 o.sessionoptions:remove "buffers" 64 65 -- Those damn temporary files cloberring the search for a filename 66 o.suffixes:prepend { 67 ".aux", 68 ".bbl", 69 ".pdf", 70 ".nav", 71 ".run.xml", 72 ".bcf", 73 ".blg", 74 ".fdb_latexmk", 75 ".fls", 76 ".log", 77 ".out", 78 ".snm" 79 } 80 81 o.foldmethod = "expr" 82 o.foldexpr = 'v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldexpr()' 83 o.foldtext = 'v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldtext()' 84 85 vim.g.mapleader = " " 86 vim.g.maplocalleader = "$" 87 88 require 'my-lspconfig' 89 require 'mappings'.set_mappings() 90 require 'mini-config' 91 require 'neogit-config'