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shadautls.lua (1414B)

      1 local M = {}
      3 local function iter_packed(str)
      4   local unpacker = vim.mpack.Unpacker()
      5   local current = 1
      6   return function()
      7     if current > #str then
      8       return
      9     end
     11     local res, newoff = unpacker(str, current)
     12     current = newoff
     13     return res
     14   end
     15 end
     17 local function get_path()
     18   return vim.fn.stdpath "state" .. "/shada/main.shada"
     19 end
     21 local function shada_iterator()
     22   local path = get_path()
     23   local content = io.open(path):read "*a"
     24   local mpack_iter = iter_packed(content)
     25   return function()
     26     -- see |shada-format| to get the actual format of this
     27     local type = mpack_iter()
     28     local timestamp = mpack_iter()
     29     -- Drop the length of the entry
     30     mpack_iter()
     31     local data = mpack_iter()
     33     if type and timestamp and data then
     34       return type, timestamp, data
     35     else
     36       return nil, nil, nil
     37     end
     38   end
     39 end
     41 function M.read()
     42   local path = get_path()
     43   local content = io.open(path):read "*a"
     44   local acc = {}
     45   for thing in iter_packed(content) do
     46     acc[#acc + 1] = thing
     47   end
     48   return acc
     49 end
     51 function M.mark_for_path(path, mname)
     52   local timenow = vim.fn.localtime()
     53   mname = vim.fn.char2nr(mname or '"')
     55   for type, timestamp, data in shada_iterator() do
     56     if type == 10 and data.f == path and (data.n or 34) == mname then
     57       return {
     58         time = timenow - timestamp,
     59         line = data.l,
     60         col = data.c
     61       }
     62     end
     63   end
     64 end
     66 return M