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mbsync.vim (3759B)

      1 " Vim syntax file
      2 " Language:     mbsync setup files
      3 " Maintainer:   Stephen Gregoratto <themanhimself@sgregoratto.me>
      4 " Last Change:  2018-03-13
      5 " Filenames:    mbsyncrc
      6 " Version:      0.2
      7 " Licence:      GPLv3+
      8 "
      9 " Note:         This config borrows heavily from msmtprc.vim
     10 "               by Simon Ruderich and Eric Pruitt
     12 if version < 600
     13         syntax clear
     14 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
     15         finish
     16 endif
     18 " OPTIONS - Ripped directly from mbsync(1)
     19 " All Stores 
     20 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(Path\|MaxSize\|MapInbox\|Flatten\|Trash\|TrashNewOnly\|TrashRemoteNew\)\>/
     21 " Maildir Stores
     22 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(MaildirStore\|AltMap\|Inbox\|InfoDelimiter\|SubFolders\)\>/
     23 " IMAP4 Account
     24 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(IMAPAccount\|Host\|Port\|Timeout\|User\|Pass\|PassCmd\|Tunnel\|AuthMechs\|SSLType\|SSLVersions\|SystemCertificates\|CertificateFile\|ClientCertificate\|ClientKey\|PipelineDepth\|DisableExtension.*\)\>/
     25 " IMAP Stores
     26 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(IMAPStore\|Account\|UseNameSpace\|PathDelimiter\)\>/
     27 " Channels
     28 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(Channel\|Master\|Slave\|Pattern\|Patterns\|MaxSize\|MaxMessaages\|ExpireUnread\|Sync\|Create\|Remove\|Expunge\|CopyArrivalDate\|SyncState\)\>/
     29 " Groups
     30 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(Group\|Channel\)\>/
     31 " Global
     32 syntax match mbsyncOption /^\<\(FSync\|FieldDelimiter\|BufferLimit\)\>/
     34 " VALUES
     35 " Options that accept only yes|no values
     36 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(TrashNewOnly\|TrashRemoteNew\|AltMap\|SystemCertificates\|UseNameSpace\|ExpireUnread\|CopyArrivalDate\|FSync\) \(yes$\|no$\)\@!.*$/
     37 " Option SubFolders accepts Verbatim|Maildir++|Legacy
     38 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(SubFolders\) \(Verbatim$\|Maildir++$\|Legacy$\)\@!.*$/
     39 " Option SSLType accepts None|STARTTLS|IMAPS
     40 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(SSLType\) \(None$\|STARTTLS$\|IMAPS$\)\@!.*$/
     41 " Option SSLVersions accepts SSLv3|TLSv1|TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2
     42 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(SSLVersions\) \(SSLv3$\|TLSv1$\|TLSv1.1$\|TLSv1.2$\)\@!.*$/
     43 " Option Sync
     44 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(Sync\) \(None$\|Pull$\|Push$\|New$\|ReNew$\|Delete$\|Flags$\|All$\)\@!.*$/
     45 " Options Create|Remove|Expunge accept None|Master|Slave|Both
     46 syntax match mbsyncWrongOption /^\<\(Create\|Remove\|Expunge\) \(None$\|Master$\|Slave$\|Both$\)\@!.*$/
     47 " Marks all wrong option values as errors.
     48 syntax match mbsyncWrongOptionValue /\S* \zs.*$/ contained containedin=mbsyncWrongOption
     49 " Mark the option part as a normal option.
     50 highlight default link mbsyncWrongOption mbsyncOption
     52 " SPECIALS
     53 " Email Addresses (yanked from esmptrc)
     54 syntax match mbsyncAddress      /[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+@[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+\.[a-z]\+/
     55 " Host names
     56 syntax match mbsyncHost         /[a-z0-9_.-]\+\.[a-z]\+$/ 
     57 " Numeric values
     58 syntax match mbsyncNumber       /\<\(\d\+$\)/
     59 " File Sizes
     60 syntax match mbsyncNumber       /\d\+[k|m][b]/
     61 " Master|Slave stores
     62 syntax match mbsyncStores       /:[^-].*:[^-]*$/
     63 " Strings
     64 syntax region mbsyncString start=/"/ end=/"/
     65 syntax region mbsyncString start=/'/ end=/'/
     66 " Comments
     67 syntax match mbsyncComment      /#.*$/ contains=@Spell
     68 " File/Dir paths - Neovim exclusive
     69 if has ('nvim')
     70         syntax match mbsyncPath "~\%(/[^/]\+\)\+"
     71 endif
     73 highlight default link mbsyncAddress            Constant
     74 highlight default link mbsyncComment            Comment
     75 highlight default link mbsyncHost               Constant 
     76 highlight default link mbsyncNumber             Number
     77 highlight default link mbsyncOption             Type
     78 highlight default link mbsyncPath               Constant
     79 highlight default link mbsyncStores             Identifier
     80 highlight default link mbsyncString             String
     81 highlight default link mbsyncWrongOptionValue   Error
     83 let b:current_syntax = "mbsync"