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commit 071ad4aaf6f3bde4eedb0e2d813a46a73b980e65
parent c4059134643450be8231c46278d47024b5e04c55
Author: Thomas Vigouroux <thomas.vigouroux@protonmail.com>
Date:   Wed, 31 Aug 2022 08:29:01 +0200

docs: add interesting things to see

MREADME.md | 5+++++
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md @@ -8,3 +8,8 @@ Here is a brief summary: - My `Leader` is `<Space>` - I use LSP, DAP and tree-sitter - I use my own completion plugin named [complementree](https://github.com/vigoux/complementree.nvim) + +Interesting things to see: + +- My plugins are listed in [./lua/plugins.lua] +- My mappings are split into [./after/plugin/mappings.vim] and [./lua/mappings.lua]