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commit 666740c50d57d576205b20ffbda06ad7aca376d4
parent 906fd9e03d71cb761bf9198187422a0ef52c44b1
Author: Thomas Vigouroux <thomas.vigouroux@protonmail.com>
Date:   Tue, 26 Jul 2022 16:01:37 +0200

fix(lsp): correctly handle root_dir

Mlua/lsp_config.lua | 35++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lua/lsp_config.lua b/lua/lsp_config.lua @@ -188,16 +188,28 @@ end local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("User_LSP", {}) +local find_root = function(markers, file) + local dirs = vim.fs.find(markers, { upward = true, path = vim.fs.dirname(file) }) + local source = dirs[1] or file + return vim.fn.fnamemodify(source, ":p:h") +end + local function setup_lsp(name, filetypes, command, config) - local cfg = vim.deepcopy(config) - cfg.name = name - cfg.cmd = command vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("Filetype", { pattern = filetypes, group = augroup, - callback = function() - for name, func in pairs(config.ucommands or {}) do - vim.api.nvim_create_user_command(name, func) + callback = function(args) + for cname, func in pairs(config.ucommands or {}) do + vim.api.nvim_create_user_command(cname, function(...) + local client = vim.lsp.get_active_clients { name = name }[1] + func(client, ...) + end) + end + local cfg = vim.deepcopy(config) + cfg.name = name + cfg.cmd = command + if not cfg.root_dir then + cfg.root_dir = find_root(cfg.root_markers or { ".git" }, args.file) end vim.lsp.start(cfg) end @@ -210,6 +222,13 @@ local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true local default_config = { capabilities = capabilities, on_attach = on_attach } +-- A bit of notes for the future me +-- filetypes (table) List of filetypes for this lsp +-- command (table|nil) command to run to start the server, defaults to server name +-- cfg (table) config as in vim.lsp.start_client() +-- root_markers (list|nil) Files that are markers for the root directory +-- ucommands (table) Mapping from valid command names to lua functions (as in +-- nvim_create_user_command, with first argument being the client) to create in the buffer where the thing is started local system_lsps = { hls = { filetypes = { "haskell" }, @@ -223,6 +242,7 @@ local system_lsps = { clangd = { filetypes = { "c", "cpp" }, + root_markers = { "CMakeLists.txt", ".git" }, cfg = default_config, }, @@ -236,7 +256,7 @@ local system_lsps = { cfg = default_config, }, - vimls = { + ["vim-language-server"] = { filetypes = { "vim" }, cfg = default_config, }, @@ -298,6 +318,7 @@ local system_lsps = { texlab = { filetypes = { "tex", "bib" }, + root_markers = { ".latexmkrc", ".git" }, cfg = { capabilities = capabilities, on_attach = texlab_attach,